
Current Position and Professional Functions

Kuan is currently a PhD student majoring in Biostatistics at Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto and a graduate practicum student at THETA supervised by Dr. George Tomlinson.


Dr. George Tomlinson

Education and Training

Kuan completed her Bachelor Honor degree in Statistics at University of Alberta and her Master of Mathematics degree in Biostatistics at University of Waterloo. Before starting her PhD study at University of Toronto, Kuan worked full time as a research Analyst at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Western Satellite site for almost 3 years. At ICES western, Kuan participated over 20 ICES projects where she was intensively involved in the study design, statistical analyses and manuscript preparation processes. Kuan currently holds the SickKids Research Training Competition Scholarship and is the appointed Student co-chair of the student and recent graduate committee of the Statistical Society of Canada.


Search for Kuan Liu's publications in Research Gate.

Research Interests and Expertise

Her research interests focus on statistical methods for economic evaluation and health economics. He is currently working on developing statistical methods for mapping the descriptive quality of life instrument for myelofibrosis patients using MFSAF and MPN-SAF to EQ-5D which is a utility instrument. She is also interested in economic evaluations in HTA such as cost-effectiveness analysis, net-benefit analysis, etc. Developing new biostatistics methods that permit causal inference from complex longitudinal studies. For her PhD thesis, Kuan plans to explore Bayesian causal inference methods that could handle irregular longitudinal data with time-dependent treatment allocations and covariates.


As a practicum student at THETA, Kuan will be working closely with Dr. George Tomlinson to complete pilot studies on the safety and efficacy assessment of the current consensus treatments on pediatric arthritis, a project funded by the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance.

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